Lake Ishiba Ng’andu


General Information

Lake Ishiba Ng’andu gets its name from the Bemba tribe to mean, “Lake of the Royal Crocodile”. It is situated between Luangwa and Chambeshi major rivers.


Lake Ishiba Ng’andu is a rich fishbed that connects several smaller rivers. Because of this it is very ideal for fishing although it is known for its heavy crocodile presence.

Wildlife & Birdlife

Lake Ishiba Ng’andu is located where Ichishiba Ng’andu nature reserve is situated and because of this the area is rich in bird-life, crocodiles and various other wildlife. It is also not far off from North Luangwa national park.

Protected Areas

Local Legends

It is important to the Bemba people as the country in which, in the late 17th Century, Chitimukulu of the Ng’andu (crocodile) Clan came across a dead crocodile, and taking this as an omen, settled his people after their wanderings from the Lunda Kingdom 1,000 kilometres to the east. The lake was visited by missionary explorer David Livingstone, whose dog was taken by a crocodile there. The area supported large populations of game animals until the middle of the 20th century.

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