White Tailed Mongoose

white tailed mongoose

General Information

The white tailed mongoose has the longest legs of any mongoose and arguably heavier than any other mongoose. It is widespread throughout Africa.

Fun Facts!


The white-tailed mongoose is the longest and heaviest in the mongoose family closely rivaling the marsh mongoose. The head is long and narrow. Its large, rounded ears are set low on the sides of the head. It has a yellow to tan coloration on its body, with long black guard hairs, giving it an overall grizzled grey appearance. Distal from the tibiofemoral joint, the legs are black. The base of the large, bushy tail is brownish yellow, and on its distal half, the tail is white

Ecology and Behaviour

The white-tailed mongoose is primarily nocturnal and terrestrial. By day they will rest in an abandoned burrow, termite mound, or in cavities under tree roots. The common slender mongoose is primarily carnivorous, though it is an opportunistic omnivore. It’s diet consists of mostly Insects, other options include: lizards, rodents, snakes, birds, amphibians, fruits, carrion and eggs. These mongooses do not migrate except to establish their own territory away from their mother’s range.


It is listed as “Least Concern” on the IUCN Red list.

Distribution and Habitat

The white tailed mongoose can be found throughout Africa and can adapt and live almost anywhere. It prefers areas of thick cover, such as the edges of forests and brushy streams.

Interaction with humans

The common slender mongoose has been targeted by extermination efforts in the past, due to its potential to be a rabies vector and the fact that it sometimes kills domestic poultry. These efforts have not been conspicuously successful, although some subspecies may be threatened. It is in no immediate danger of extinction. They have been known to raid chicken houses in areas where domestic poultry is raised.

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