Lukusuzi National Park


General Information

Lukusuzi National Park is located in eastern Luangwa Valley in Zambia, on the other side of the Luangwa River from the more famous South Luangwa National Park. It lies between the smaller Luambe National Park (on the eastern bank of the river) and the Chipata-Lundazi road.

Infrastructure & Accessibility

To date this park has had no development or even management and the status of game is uncertain. There are apparently plans in the pipeline for its privatisation. A dirt road runs east–west through the park.

Habitat, Flora and Climate

Much of the park is plateau dissected by rocky ridges and rugged valleys. The main ecoregion in which the park lies is the southern miombo woodlands characterised by the miombo trees interspersed with grassland. At lower elevations, such as at the bottom of the Luangwa valley, miombo give way to mopane trees.


The park is home to a sizable population of African wild dogs, an endangered species.

Accommodation Type(s)



Game Drives, Safari Tour, Guided Tour

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